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Nerpa Seal of Approval #4

After a couple of weeks of trawling (this verb should only be used when describing google searches) the web, keeping our peepers peeled for the best and brightest and most innovative of projects, we stumbled across this amazing project that if utilised to its potential could bring clean, renewable and infinite energy to billions of people.

It gives us great pleasure to give this Bulletin's Nerpa Seal of Approval to...

So who the bloody hell are these fools that have got us all hot, bothered and sweaty in all the right places? I’m glad I asked rhetorically, the person who is writing this article. It’s no secret that off-grid energy is the absolute tits, using natural resources, unconnected to the grid means that harder to access communities or groups that would otherwise struggle to be connected to the centralised grid can have their power needs to be met.

Sometimes, many times, unfortunately, this power has been provided by dirty great big whopping diesel generators, coughing and spluttering nasty chemicals into the atmosphere. Well, Turbulent offers a wonderful way that groups and communities can make the most of their natural surrounding and harness a considerable amount of energy, at an almost constant rate.

Enough waffle, what do they do? Well to quote Turbulent ‘ we develop cost-effective hydropower plants that can be installed in any river, canal or waterway that has a drop between 1.5 - 5 m. You can generate electricity using an individual turbine or a network of multiple turbines for higher energy demands, all designed for durability and low maintenance’.

There are too many amazing things about these turbines that you need to read all about, check out the link below for all the juicy facts, here’s is a quick summary of the best points:

  • Long Operating Life

  • Low Maintenance

  • No Flood Risk

  • Easy to Install

  • Remote Monitoring

  • Fish Friendly

Click here and check out the Turbulent site and educate yourselves further on this fantastic bit of kit.

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